Hi All,
I am automating the downloading data from SAP with Spreadsheet. But my script gets failed, after clicking the continue button Spreadsheet window
but not able to click the save button in the Save as window.
Please help me.......
Thanks in advance
Kathirvel nagaraj
I am automating the downloading data from SAP with Spreadsheet. But my script gets failed, after clicking the continue button Spreadsheet window
but not able to click the save button in the Save as window.
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Data Browser: Table T000").SAPGuiMenubar("mbar").Select "Table Entry;List;Export;Spreadsheet..."
SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Select Spreadsheet").SAPGuiButton("Continue (Enter)").Click
Set oFsave=description.Create()
Window("Select Spreadsheet").Window("Save As").WinObject(oFsave).Click
Please help me.......
Thanks in advance
Kathirvel nagaraj