I need to extract some attributes values and element text data from
XML to excel.
Can some one help me.
Hierarch of xml elements is
I need to get an attribute TMSID from program element. And for each
TMS ID, need to get image elements category attribute and URI elements
text values. Need to save all this into an external excel sheet. And
for some of the program elements images/image does'nt exist.
Sample XML is attached
I need to extract some attributes values and element text data from
XML to excel.
Can some one help me.
Hierarch of xml elements is
I need to get an attribute TMSID from program element. And for each
TMS ID, need to get image elements category attribute and URI elements
text values. Need to save all this into an external excel sheet. And
for some of the program elements images/image does'nt exist.
Sample XML is attached