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Marcos(Excel sheet)
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I have an issue regarding selecting the button in marcos (Excel sheet) in QTP and am not able record the clicking button operation in excel sheet.
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In VBA In the module add the macro as

Sub button1_click ()
End Sub

and then right click on the button and assign the macro to the button.

Try and tell if it works.
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Please vill u explain in clear words.
iam not getting the above code..

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Can you explain your question clearly and in detail? I hope you are talking about macros and not 'marcos'
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(04-18-2009, 02:26 PM)Ankur Wrote: Can you explain your question clearly and in detail? I hope you are talking about macros and not 'marcos'

Right, Iam talking about Macros only.
In Macros i have few worksheets able insert data using this script.
Set obj=getobject(Excel.Application)
by using this script able to insert the data in a particular sheet.
After inserting the data value i want clicking a button in that sheet only.
Here am getting any idea how to click a particular button in the following worksheet.

Please can u help me.

Right, Iam talking about Macros only.
In Macros i have few worksheets able insert data using this script.
Set obj=getobject(Excel.Application)
by using this script able to insert the data in a particular sheet.
After inserting the data value i want clicking a button in that sheet only.
Here am getting any idea how to click a particular button in the following worksheet.

Please can u help me.

(04-18-2009, 08:53 PM)qtp1983 Wrote: [quote='Ankur' pid='5344' dateline='1240045012']
Can you explain your question clearly and in detail? I hope you are talking about macros and not 'marcos'

Right, Iam talking about Macros only.
In Macros i have few worksheets able insert data using this script.
Set obj=getobject(Excel.Application)
by using this script able to insert the data in a particular sheet.
After inserting the data value i want clicking a button in that sheet only.
Here am getting any idea how to click a particular button in the following worksheet.

Please can u help me.

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You mean that you are able to record the macros but when you are clicking the button then click event is not getting recorded. is it so????
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No, Iam not even record any of the operation in macros sheet ike insert data and clicking the button.

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