For performance and ease of maintenance I am trying to move away from executing test from Quality Center. I would still like to have results stored there.
1. I need to create a test case in QC - Done
2. create a test set
3. create instance of manual test in new test set
4. create a run, set the status of the steps (pass fail)
5. attach results.
I cant figure out how to do step 4.
I'm including I found that works for step 1 in case it helps anyone else.
1. I need to create a test case in QC - Done
2. create a test set
3. create instance of manual test in new test set
4. create a run, set the status of the steps (pass fail)
5. attach results.
I cant figure out how to do step 4.
I'm including I found that works for step 1 in case it helps anyone else.
Dim td 'As TDConnection
Dim DesignStpFactory 'As DesignStepFactory
Dim TestFactory 'As TestFactory
Dim Testobj 'As Test
Dim DesignStp 'As DesignStep
Dim TreeMgr 'As TreeManager
Set td = QCUtil.TDConnection
Set TestFactory = td.TestFactory
Set TreeMgr = td.TreeManager
Set folder = TreeMgr.NodeByPath("Subject\Development")
Set testFactory = folder.TestFactory
Set Testobj = testFactory.AddItem ("Run004")
Testobj.Post ()
Set DesignStpFactory = Testobj.DesignStepFactory
For i = 1 To 5
Set DesignStp = DesignStpFactory.AddItem(Null)
DesignStp.Field("DS_STEP_NAME") = "Step " & i
DesignStp.Field("DS_DESCRIPTION") = "The design step description"
DesignStp.Field("DS_EXPECTED") = "The expected"
MsgBox "Created Test"
Sub Failure1
Dim td 'As TDConnection
Dim dsf 'As DesignStepFactory
Dim tf 'As TestFactory
Dim t 'As Test
Dim ds 'As DesignStep
Set td = QCUtil.TDConnection
Set tf = td.TestFactory
t = tf.AddItem("New Manual test")
Set dsf = t.DesignStepFactory
For i = 1 To 5
Set ds = dsf.AddItem(Null)
ds.Field("DS_STEP_NAME") = "Step " & i
ds.Field("DS_DESCRIPTION") = "The design step description"
ds.Field("DS_EXPECTED") = "The expected"
end sub