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List of properties same
Solved: 8 Years, 10 Months ago
         I wanted to know why List of properties under Mandatory properties, Assistive properties, base-filter & optional properties is same.  I know it is upto us which property to configure in mandatory or which one as assistive property. I understand the concept of when to use which one, however shouldn't the properties listed in lets say mandatory properties of an object be different than properties listed under base-filter properties.

For example, by default for a Web Button there is 'html tag', 'name', 'type' as mandatory properties, 'Role' as assistive property, 'html tag' as base-filter property. However a total of same 21 properties are there in list of  mandatory, assistive, base-filter, optional properties. Shouldn't each list contain different properties. Will appreciate if this can be cleared.

Thanks & Regards,
Manisha Sharma
Solved: 8 Years, 10 Months ago
You can change what you like it the properties listed under Mandatory, Assistive, Base filter and optional properties
Solved: 8 Years, 10 Months ago
I see your point alpha1.
Yes the properties list is same across all Mandatory, Assistive, Base filter and optional properties to give the end user to decide their selection based on the needs. However I see a valid point which HP can consider - why can't the list refreshed based on hierarchy (means if you selected some property in Mandatory there is no use of selecting the same in Assistive so better they remove/disable the item that is selected in Mandatory such that user will get to know that already they have used the property in object identification hierarchy). I would say it's an enhancement that you can post to HP. Good job !!!
Solved: 8 Years, 10 Months ago
I too have the same feeling supputuri i used to have same question in my mind but i did not put this question to anybody
Solved: 8 Years, 10 Months ago
Thanks !! Wasn't even sure whether I was clear with my query. Yes also I think apart from based on hierarchy, otherwise too there should have been different list under which properties can be considered as Mandatory or which one as assistive etc. Thanks, am just a beginner, have worked on QTP long back and then have left it, started learning it again. Will keep on posting questions here for valuable guidance & learning from you guys Smile

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