QTP fails to recognize the object's parent(Browser) if the Browser name is like "Yahoo Site | Mail" (pipe symbol in Browser name). I am dynamically capturing Browser name and Page Title and executing the script.
Sample Script:
I got the following Run Error:
"Cannot find the "[Image]" Object's parent "[Browser]" (class Browser). VErify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application"
Note1: If we have Object Repository for same Browser (say "Yahoo Site | Mail") we didn't get any error and execution is successful.
Note2: Script works fine for other Browsers which don't have Pipe symbol in their name.
Please share your ideas on this.
QTP fails to recognize the object's parent(Browser) if the Browser name is like "Yahoo Site | Mail" (pipe symbol in Browser name). I am dynamically capturing Browser name and Page Title and executing the script.
Sample Script:
SignUpObjName = "test.gif"
Browser("name:=" & BrowserName).Page("Title:="& PageName).Image( "file name:=" &SignUpObjName).Click
I got the following Run Error:
"Cannot find the "[Image]" Object's parent "[Browser]" (class Browser). VErify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application"
Note1: If we have Object Repository for same Browser (say "Yahoo Site | Mail") we didn't get any error and execution is successful.
Note2: Script works fine for other Browsers which don't have Pipe symbol in their name.
Please share your ideas on this.