Hi Basanth,
My login script is working properly
when i tried through it as
New->Insert->Copy to call of action->i added my login script in tht pop up...
code is as follows
when em running it, its showing error not working, Error you can see in screen shot
My login script is working properly
when i tried through it as
New->Insert->Copy to call of action->i added my login script in tht pop up...
code is as follows
Reporter.ReportEvent micpass, "Login Report", "user has log in successfully"
SwfWindow("Please log in").SwfEdit("intralinksIdBox").Set "shamaqtp@hirasoft.com"
SwfWindow("Please log in").SwfEdit("intralinksIdBox").Type micTab
SwfWindow("Please log in").SwfEdit("passwordBox").SetSecure "4da55c88784bba11cf5ee6e183d0f3fece3dfcd8a6f7c522bd74f4aaa411"
SwfWindow("Please log in").SwfButton("Log In").Click
SwfWindow("Auto Update - IntraLinks").SwfObject("No").Click 33,18
SwfWindow("IntraLinks Designer").Close
when em running it, its showing error not working, Error you can see in screen shot