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Interview Questions
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1. Write a code for the below scenario
There is a value generated during run time which will be used in the next page as an input.

2. Difference between Bitmap checkpoint and Image checkpoint

3. Suppose in web page there are 10 check boxes, how would you identify the second box

I know these are the basic questions, but it would be really helpful for everyone if someone can answer these. Thanks Smile
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1. There is a value generated during run time which will be used in the next page as an input.
--take input in some variable/or store it in excel sheet and then on next page retrieve that value and use it.

2. Difference between Bitmap checkpoint and Image checkpoint
--Image check point check the property value of an image,like html tag,href property etc...and it is supported to only web add- in-environments.

Bit map check point check an area of a webpage or an application after capturing and bitmap  and it supports all testing environments.

3. Suppose in web page there are 10 check boxes, how would you identify the second box
--use index value for 2nd check box.
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Example for the 3 Question

Set Des_Obj = Description.Create
Des_Obj("micclass").Value = "WebCheckBox"
Set link_col = Browser("micclass:=Browser").Page("micclass:=Page").ChildObjects(Des_Obj)
a = link_col.count
For i = 0 to a-1
tag = link_col(i).GetROProperty("name")
href = link_col(i).GetROProperty("url")
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There are different ways of handling the 3rd question.

1) Xpath

Browser().Page(). WebCheckBox("xpath:=(//input[@type='checkbox'])[2]").Highlight

2) Usual DP
I)  Browser().Page().WebCheckBox("index:=1").Highlight
II) Create Description Object > Child Objects > Then Work on the 2nd checkbox

3) OR :You can add a generic checkbox to OR and then update the index in the runtime using the SetToProperty ("index",2)

There are lot of ways doing it, but I have given simple and straight forward methods.

Let me know if you need any further details on this.
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Perfect way to address the new community members. Keep sharing valuable information with us. I'll be checking your posts again soon

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