I am kicking the tires of QTP for the first time and recorded a relativley small action.
I have a SSN that I want to increment after every run. How can I increment just the last number on each run?
I have a SSN that I want to increment after every run. How can I increment just the last number on each run?
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application").Link("Create New Application").Click
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application_2").WebEdit("lastName").Set "Aipperspach"
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application_2").WebEdit("taxId").Set "156-15-1561"
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application_2").WebEdit("reEnterTaxId").Set "[color=#FFD700]111-11-1111[/color]___-__-____"
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application_2").WebButton("Next »").Click
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application_2").WebCheckBox("agentApplicationForm:distribut").Set "ON"
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application_2").WebButton("Next »_2").Click
Browser("Create New Application").Page("Create New Application_2").WebButton("Submit Query").Click