Hi all here is my requirement:
Mainly two parameters(list boxes) involved 1)Preferred Phone and 2)Preferred communication.
Preferred phone has : Home Phone,Mobile and Work Phone
Preferred comm has : Phone, Email and Fax
Myrequirement: When preferred comm is set as 'Phone' then depending on the 'preferred phone' selection, data is set in the respective fields. Example: When preferred comm is 'phone' and preferred phone is 'Mobile' then set the mobile number in the mobile field.
My code here describes if statement with in select statement.. can I define so? as I see if statements arent working. Please suggest!!!!
Mainly two parameters(list boxes) involved 1)Preferred Phone and 2)Preferred communication.
Preferred phone has : Home Phone,Mobile and Work Phone
Preferred comm has : Phone, Email and Fax
Myrequirement: When preferred comm is set as 'Phone' then depending on the 'preferred phone' selection, data is set in the respective fields. Example: When preferred comm is 'phone' and preferred phone is 'Mobile' then set the mobile number in the mobile field.
My code here describes if statement with in select statement.. can I define so? as I see if statements arent working. Please suggest!!!!
PrefPhone = inputbox("Enter Preferred Phone")
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_3").WebList("Preferred Phone").Select PrefPhone
PrefCom = inputbox("Enter PreferredComm")
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_3").WebList("preferred contact").Select PrefCom
pref_com = Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_3").WebList("preferred contact").GetROProperty("selection")
Select Case pref_com
Case "Email"
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_3").WebEdit("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtE").Set "swetha.b@osmosys.asia"
Case "Phone"
If PrefCom = "Home Phone" Then
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_4").WebEdit("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtH").Set "(998)876-4534"
elseif PrefCom = "Mobile" Then
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_5").WebEdit("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtM").Set "(987)876-2345"
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_3").WebEdit("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtWorkPhone").Set ("(987)765-7654)")
End If
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_3").WebEdit("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtWorkPhone").Set ("(987)765-7654)")
Case "Fax"
Browser("TalonPro Solutions").Page("TalonPro Solutions_5").WebEdit("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtF").Set "(987)564-3452"
End Select