Here's a link to an API I found to be VERY useful! Install the API and review its docs and your set.
I wanted to verify a proper PDF was being created, so once the API was installed, here's what I did with their code:
' This is to verify that the PDF is the Master Report document. It should have "Master Report" for its first 13 characters.
' *** Initialize the API ***
Set oPDF=createobject("LearnQuickTest.ManipulatePDF")
PDFText=oPDF.GetPDFText ("C:\NEW.pdf")
' *** Verify the first 13 characters ***
' *** Show me the first 13 characters ***
Print "PDFText=" & CheckedPDFText ' Just a visual check for me
' *** Document the test results ***
If (CheckedPDFText="Master Report") then
Print "PDF verification SUCCEEDED!"
Print "PDF verification FAILED!"
End if