I am having 3 Reusable Actions,
1.login 2.Function 3.Logout.
In the login Action I am getting My Platform Value thru input box,According to that Platform value I need to open the Excel sheet in Function Action.
How to Pass the value from one Action to Anothor.
Login Action
I set the input parameter thru Action properties and
But it gives error.
Any help?
I am having 3 Reusable Actions,
1.login 2.Function 3.Logout.
In the login Action I am getting My Platform Value thru input box,According to that Platform value I need to open the Excel sheet in Function Action.
How to Pass the value from one Action to Anothor.
Login Action
I set the input parameter thru Action properties and
Sysenv=Inputbox("Enter sysen"v)
i = Sysenv
RunAction "functions", oneIteration,i
and in FunctionAction
se = Parameter("i")
msgbox se
Any help?