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01-28-2009, 01:49 PM
In one of aplication, I have drop down box for each Date, Month and Year to select a Travel start date.
After selecting these fields when we go to the next page the selected date appear as mm/dd/yyyy format on next page as text element.
In QTP i want to verify if the date appearing on the next page is same as we select on first page.
Also if parameterize the dates of first page i want to validated the next page dates.
Can you please help me.
Posts: 146
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01-28-2009, 04:41 PM
Hello Manojith...
I hope your answer is not properly suitable for this question. if mm/dd/yyyy have drop down box how many combinations require to set the value.... Can u imagine?
Sudhir said that he have drop down box for each Date,month and year...
Here we have 3 drop down boxes for Date, Month and Year.
Date --> 1 to 31
Month --> 1 to 12
Year --> as per requiement
for parametrization we have to replace constants with parameters and pass values from external source like DataTable, Input/Output Parameters, Environment Variables, Random Numbers and Flat Files.
Once we set the value in to the application those are the expected values bcoz we got from our testcases or requirements.
Once we navigate to next page, here we can found that Objects of drop down boxes or any webobject in the form of Date... Here we have to capture the value if those values are individual, if the date is combined as webobject we have to split with the suitable delimeter and validate with the Expected Values available in our parameters and use reporter events to know how many iterations has been passed and how many failed.
For every Iteration we have to navigate from first page to next page and validate and return to previous page.
If you want me to give the code with any eg. I will provide you
thanks & regards
Baba Fakruddin.D
Posts: 146
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01-29-2009, 11:01 AM
Hello Friend,
This link is not working... please provide working link
thanks & regards
Baba Fakruddin.D
Posts: 350
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01-29-2009, 01:46 PM
Hi manojith,
Your perception on Manojith query is correct.
@sudhir : As manojith said in the above post , you can follow that process.
Posts: 77
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Joined: Jan 2009
01-29-2009, 03:24 PM
Hi Friends,
Above steps are correct only if single date is to be varified.
My query is how to check second page date (appearing in mm/dd/yyyy format and as text element ) which get change for
every new date selected on first page ( because i am paremeterizing first page dates.)