Hello ,
I'm looking for some insights on how to identify the properties and their values for each Item from the tabbed menu .{Note the menu is displayed when clicked on the tab and displays as long as the mouse cursor hovers on it}
I was able to write a code to hover over the menu tab (which is in a webtable) but unable to capture the Items from the drop down menu once the tab is clicked upon ..Let me know .
my code is given below.
'At the is point below the mouseover works perfectly on the tab where i see th elist of items from the pop down menu
'My question is how do I enhance the code to click on the menu item once mouseover action is done , because im unable to capture the properties of the menu item as they dissappear once the mouse pointer is removed? Even a Object Spy does not help as the i cannot hover over the tab .
A response will be sincerely appreciated. Thank you and have a good day !!
I'm looking for some insights on how to identify the properties and their values for each Item from the tabbed menu .{Note the menu is displayed when clicked on the tab and displays as long as the mouse cursor hovers on it}
I was able to write a code to hover over the menu tab (which is in a webtable) but unable to capture the Items from the drop down menu once the tab is clicked upon ..Let me know .
my code is given below.
Set oParent = Browser("name:=C Home").Page("title:=C Home")
Set oWtbl = Description.Create()
oWtbl("micclass").Value ="WebTable"
Set VarParentpath = oParent.ChildObjects(oWtbl)
CountVar = VarParentpath.Count()
'Msgbox CountVar
For i = 1 to CountVar-1
sWtbl_name = VarParentpath(i).GetRoProperty("name")
sColNums = VarParentpath(i).GetRoProperty("cols")
sRows = VarParentpath(i).GetRoProperty("rows")
If Trim(sWtbl_name) = "tsks" And Trim(sColNums) = "11" And Trim(sRows) ="1" Then
For icols = 1 to sColNums
Set oWtblImg =Description.Create()
oWtblImg("micclass").Value = "Image"
Set VarImgpath = oParent.ChildObjects(oWtblImg)
CountImg = VarImgpath.Count()
'Msgbox CountImg
VarImgpath( icols).Highlight
sfilename = VarImgpath( icols).GetRoProperty("file name")
sname = VarImgpath( icols).GetRoProperty("name")
'VarImgpath( icols).Click
'My question is how do I enhance the code to click on the menu item once mouseover action is done , because im unable to capture the properties of the menu item as they dissappear once the mouse pointer is removed? Even a Object Spy does not help as the i cannot hover over the tab .
VarImgpath( icols).FireEvent"OnMouseover"
'Msgbox sfilename
'Msgbox sname
'Exit For
End If