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How to check to see if a text field is available?
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago Exclamation 
Sorry in advance if i am not clear in what i am about to ask.

I have generated a script that logs in with three accounts (global sheet) and generates a price quote for shipping information.

I generated a script using a login that when entering the shipping information to generate a quote does NOT require an account #.

But the second and third logins require an account #. The script will obviously fail for that second and third iteration because the original script was generated without the account # field.

SO my question is: how to get the script to bypass the account # field for the second and third iteration while still entering the other information (such as origin zip, destination zip code, etc).

I know i would have to use if else then statement but if someone could explain to me or direct me in the right direction? I would really really appreciate it. And sorry again if i am not clear. Thank you
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago
you will have to set a flag at the end of iteration 1. Lets say you set it to 1.

if blnflg = 0 then
' enter the account field value
end if

does it help?
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