Can any one tell me how to set the value in the dilog box that come in the windows.When i click on a pdf i can options to open/save/cancel options.i am able to open the Pdf uing Divice replay.I am able to get to a point of clicking the save button.but i am not able to handle after that.
this is what qtp has recorded.even when i try to play back it is giving an error to set the pdf name.
this is what qtp has recorded.even when i try to play back it is giving an error to set the pdf name.
Browser("Private Empty Car Storage(PECS_2").Dialog("File Download").WinButton("Save").Click
Dialog("0% of from").Dialog("Save As").WinEdit("File name:").Set "pdf"
Dialog("0% of from").Dialog("Save As").WinButton("Save").Click
Dialog("0% of from").WinButton("Close").Click