I've got a problem when I try to use the "Exist" method on an object that I get thanks to ChildObjects.
For example :
I don't understand why the Exist method doesn't work.
Question 1 : How can I use the Exist method in this case ?
I tried to use "micClass" instead of "Class Name" but the JavaTables are not detected.
Question 2 : Do you know why the "micClass" property doesn't match any of the 3 JavaTables in my window ?
Thanks in advance !
I've got a problem when I try to use the "Exist" method on an object that I get thanks to ChildObjects.
For example :
Set odesc = Description.Create
odesc("Class Name").Value = "JavaTable"
Set a = JavaWindow("Index:=2").ChildObjects(odesc)
msgbox a.count 'Display "3"
a(0).highlight 'Works fine
msgbox a(0).Exist 'Display "False"
a(0).highlight 'Throw a general run error
I don't understand why the Exist method doesn't work.
Question 1 : How can I use the Exist method in this case ?
I tried to use "micClass" instead of "Class Name" but the JavaTables are not detected.
Set odesc = Description.Create
odesc("micClass").Value = "JavaTable"
Set a = JavaWindow("Index:=2").ChildObjects(odesc)
msgbox a.count 'Display "0"
Question 2 : Do you know why the "micClass" property doesn't match any of the 3 JavaTables in my window ?
Thanks in advance !