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Error in Code while accessing WPF object
Not Solved

I am getting the below error while using the Automation Pattern property to access the WPFmenu object,

Code :

Error : Object required: 'Window().WpfWindow().WpfList()..AutomationPattern(..).GetSelection()'

The above code is very inconsistent, sometime it works and most of the time it shows the above error.

I am using the below Add-Ins while executing the above code,

Is anyone faced this kind of issue? Your help on this will be highly appreciated.

Not Solved
Are you trying to retrieve the selection from your object (not sure what your AutomationPatern is and why would you do it that way)? If so then you could use next code to get it:

This should return the value of the selected item.

Or you can use next to identify your objects and then select the item you want:
Set yourList = indow().WpfWindow().WpfList("description")
'read the list items and find the 'recordYouNeed':
listItemsCounter = yourList.GetItemsCount
For i = 1 To listItemsCounter        
    'retrieve items values:
    itemValue = yourList.GetItem(i)
    itemSelection = yourList.GetSelection
    'check if retrieved item's value is the expected one:
    If itemValue = "recordYouNeed" Then
        yourList.Select itemValue    'select the item you need
                Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "The record 'recordYouNeed' successfully found and selected", "more details if needed"
        Exit For
    ElseIf itemValue <> "recordYouNeed" and i = listItemsCounter-1 Then
        Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Could not find the record 'recordYouNeed'", "more details if needed"
    End If

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