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Doubt in few Questions
Not Solved Question 
Hi All,

I got these questions form thread "Thread-QTP-HP-Certification".I want to discuss the answers of few questions:

[1] QTP uses dot after an object in expert view after dot what it should display? Select 3:
a. Parent object
b. Child object
c. Arguments of the object
d. Properties of the object
Ans: a, b & d
Quote:According me answer should be "b,c,d".

[2] What is the feature used to complete true current line in expert view?
a. Function Generator
b. Step Generator
Quote:Please Explain the answer

[3] Which parameter is generated by system during run time?
a. Input parameter
b. Output parameter
c. Environment Variable
d. Random Variable
Ans: Random variable
Quote:Why not Output parameter?

[4] What is the method to get value from data table?
a. Value
b. Getrowcount
c. getvalue
Ans: getvalue
Quote:According me answer should be "value"

[5] What are the 2 settings required for bitmap check point?
a. RGB
b. DPI settings
c. Resolution
d. Image size
e. Pixels
Ans: a,e
If sensitive to Resolution and Image size
Quote:Please Explain the answer

[6] What is the default ordinal identifier under object identification dialog?
a. Index
b. Location
Ans: b
Quote:Still doubtful about default.

[7] To register a procedure, which function is to be used?
a. Register proc
b. Register Function
Ans: b

Please let me know if I any answer need updation. It will be awesome if someone provide explanation about answers:

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1.I also feel the same
2.Did not understand question!
3.It must be Environment according to me like system fives the OS name, computer name etc.For output value, we need to configure it before run!
4.There is no method called "getvalue" for datatable, so it must be just value
5.I don't even know where to check it, it shows none of them in the checkpoint properties
6.For standard windows objects, default is "Location" where as for web objects it's "Index"!
Since no details of environment is given in the question, select "Location" (may be because we start learning through mercury flight reservation windows app)
7.proc is not a keyword, it's either function or sub and since only function is there in the options select it
Not Solved
Please let me know if I any answer need updation. It will be awesome if someone provide explanation about answers:
Not Solved

I am trying to post answer for the mentioned questions as per my knowledge.
Please let me know if you differ. And not sure about 2nd and 3rd question.

Q1. Option A-parent object it can't be-- beacuse after dot how come parent object can be placed.
Option B- Child Object-- Browser("").page("").Frame("").WEbEdit("").Set "Nilanjan"
here WebEdit is the ChildObject of Frame object.
Option C- Argument of the object--Not sure about this option , those who choose this option can please explain with example.
Option D--Properties of the object-- Should be one of the answer.

And after dot we also use methods that works on that object, like Set "Nilanjan" , here Set method sets value to the WebEdit object.

Q2. Not that sure about the Question.

Q3. Output parameter stores the run time value from the application but you need to configure it before running it.

Q4.msgbox datatable.GetSheet("Action2").GetParameter("Nil").Value
msgbox datatable.Value("Nil2","Global")

So value should be the answer only

Q5. Click Record--> Insert--> Bitmap CheckPoint--> Bitmap Checkpoint Properties-->
In Tolerance area you will find --i) RGB Tolerance--The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) tolerance determines the percent by which the RGB values of the pixels in the actual bitmap can differ from those of the expected bitmap and allow the checkpoint to pass
and ii) Pixel Tolerance-- The pixel tolerance determines the number or percentage of pixels in the actual bitmap that can differ from those in the expected bitmap and allow the checkpoint to pass.

Q 6. ActiveX and Web are the default addin normally present in the QTP.
From Tools-->Object identification you can see that for ActiveX, VB and Standard windows type of object dafault Ordinal identifier is "Location" and for Web type object default

Ordinal identifier is "Creation time".

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