For DB connectivity i have to give full connection string with DSN, username, password, SID etc. like this: ConnectionString = "DSN=QTPDSN;Description=desc;UID=;PWD=;APP=;WSID=;DATABASE=;"
but in donot want to give this UID, pwd, WSID in each and every script again again. I want do this setting in DSN and then provide only DSN name in connectingString. Is it possible?
Please reply to me ASAP.
With Regards,
For DB connectivity i have to give full connection string with DSN, username, password, SID etc. like this: ConnectionString = "DSN=QTPDSN;Description=desc;UID=;PWD=;APP=;WSID=;DATABASE=;"
but in donot want to give this UID, pwd, WSID in each and every script again again. I want do this setting in DSN and then provide only DSN name in connectingString. Is it possible?
Please reply to me ASAP.
With Regards,