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Creating a variable list to use throughout my scripts
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I have been trying a few different way to create and use a list of variables throught my tests and scripts. I must be doing something wrong as the variables disapear as the Library is left.

Currently, from my Test script, I call a function as below:

Public Function ImageAccessVariableList ()

Set objQTPApp  = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
Set objQTPLibraries = objQTPApp.Test.Settings.Resources.Libraries
If objQTPLibraries.Find("O:\QTP Tests\Objec Repository\ImageAccessVariableList.txt") <> -1 Then
    objQTPLibraries.Remove "O:\QTP Tests\Objec Repository\ImageAccessVariableList.txt"
    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Image Access Variable List"& DataTable.GlobalSheet.GetCurrentRow, "The 'ImageAccessVariableList.txt' file was Not found.")
End If

End Function
What should i change?
Not Solved
I tried the following, also with no luck.
(can i even set my variables from a Function call?

Public Function ImageAccessVariableList ()

'for "O:\QTP Tests\Objec Repository\ImageAccessVariableList.vbs"

Set objQTPApp  = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
objQTPApp.Visible = True
Set objQTPLibraries = objQTPApp.Test.Settings.Resources.Libraries

VariableList = "O:\QTP Tests\Objec Repository\ImageAccessVariableList.txt"

If objQTPLibraries.Find(VariableList) <> -1 Then
    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Variable List", "The ImageAccessVariableList.txt file was Not found."
End If

objQTPLibraries.Add (VariableList)
'objQTPLibraries.Add "D:\test2.vbs"

Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Variable List", "The ImageAccessVariableList.txt file was found."

Set objQTPApp = Nothing

End Function
Not Solved
Not sure if i undestand the issue you're facing.. but, if you want to access variables stored externally to the test you can use a librarie (qfl) and declare the variables you need to use as public and associate the lib to the test, example:


'Creation Date: 07/02/2012
'Description: It Contains the path where the data source is located
Public Const DATA_SOURCE_PATH = "C:\Automation\DataSource\DataSource.xls"
Public Const IMPORT_DATA_SOURCE = True

'<<<<<<<<<<<< DATA MIGRATION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Public Const DATA_MIGRATION_FILE_PATH = "C:\Automatizacion\PIB\DataMigration\"
Public Const TAB_BALANCE = "hubpib.Inquire is missing"
    Public Const TAB_BALANCE_ACCOUNT_SUMMARY = "hubpib.Inquire is missing"
    Public Const TAB_BALANCE_MY_TRANSFERS_OTHER_BANKS = "My transfers to other banks"
    Public Const TAB_BALANCE_SPEI_OPERATION = "SPEI Operations"
Not Solved
VariableList = "O:\QTP Tests\Objec Repository\ImageAccessVariableList.txt"
Set objQTPApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
objQTPApp.Visible = True
Set objQTPLibraries = objQTPApp.Test.Settings.Resources.Libraries
If objQTPLibraries.Find(VariableList) <> -1 Then
End if
objQTPLibraries.Add (VariableList)
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Variable List", "The ImageAccessVariableList.txt is freshly attached"
Set objQTPApp = Nothing
Not Solved
Thx guys for your help. I will try both ideas.

Where do I place the code? in a function library?

Rajpes, thx for the B-Day wish. How did you know.? ;-)
Not Solved
somehow i came to know Smile

You are creating instance of qtp app, so you cant put that in a function library.
Not Solved
I added the code to a function library, but when i return to the Test script, the values in my txt file disapear.

objQTPLibraries.Add (VariableList) -- This code gives me a Run Error of "This operation cannot be preformed durring a run session."
Not Solved
I went to Setup -> Resources sand added my vbs file

and, ,Itried:

Public Function ImageAccessVariableList ()
ExecuteFile  "O:\QTP Tests\QTPInputData\ImageAccessVariableList.vbs"
End function

But none of my variables get loaded into my QTP variable list.

Not Solved

Sorry, i just learned your meaning of "instance" of QTP.

How do I then run this instance of QTP? I was thinking of just adding my variable list to my test via File -> Settings -> Resources -> [+]

but from what I understand, I must start QTP using the code provided before the test runs?

If so, then it is not possible to load a variable list at the start of a test after QTP has been running?

thx for your advise.
Not Solved
this should work. what do you meant by QTP variable list? can you share ImageAccessVariableList.vbs file.

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