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Creating ObjectRepository item through VBScript
Not Solved
Hey all,

I'm a QTP noob and am wondering how I might be able to do the following:

There is a web table in my OR used for my test but the amount of "records" or "rows" in the table dynamically changes based on information retreieved from the database.

I need to write a function that will populate the object repository dynamically.

I'm thinking that I can right a for loop that goes from 1 to "Select Count(Row_ID) FROM table" and creates a web element to check for in the web table, for the amount of rows counted in the database. In other words, if the database table has 12 rows, then the object repository should include 12 rows for the web table.

What sort of command, if one exists, can be used to create the rows in the Object Repository web table?

Thanks, any help is appreciated.

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