In do while loop i want to concatenate txtFirstName with counter value like Kim1
code im using for it:
Fname shows only counter value i.e 1 , it is not showing Kim1 displays 1
Tell me what is wrong with the code?how can i concatenate
code im using for it:
counter = 1
Browser("Softronic - HCMS").Page("Softronic - HCMS_2").WebList("ddlTitle").Select "Ms."
Fname = Browser("Softronic - HCMS").Page("Softronic - HCMS_2").WebEdit("txtFirstName").Set("Kim")
counterstr = CStr(counter)
Fname = Fname + counterstr
Loop while counter <= 5
counter = counter + 1
Tell me what is wrong with the code?how can i concatenate