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Choosing Add-ins in QTP When Oracle forms or other IDEs used in web based application
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I have a doubt in choosing add-ins in qtp. There is a web application which is built with Oracle forms (and not with HTMLs)and deployed as webbased application online.

My First question is: to test above application, should I go for an Web addin or Oracle add in? And if I need to choose Oracle add in why should I choose it, since it looks like a web application and it does have source which shows the html forms and fields.

My second question is: if web applications are built through IDEs (like oracle forms, or Netbeans IDE or people soft's IDE) and not through HTMLs how should we consider these applications should they be catagorized as web based application or native (like peoplesoft, siebel or oracle) while choosing add-ins.

Thanks in Advance.

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