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Time Delay issue with Exist
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Thx vIns...

I find the same but my waits can range from 5-15 seconds in some cases. It is frustrating as I would think this should not be but it is.

Thx for putting such a terrific effort into this. ;-))

Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks ago

Here is a description what helped in my case.

Where in my project, ".Exist(#)" is widely used (with Java + Web associated HP UFT add-ins).
Alike: IF object.Exist(#) THEN 
The problem:  the local timeout setting ("#") is ignored. 
Where previously
.Exist(30) – means "check if exist" or "wait up to 30 seconds". If object appear sooner (alike in 15th second) – proceed with the dedicated code.
.Exist(0)   – means "check if exist" or "wait up to 0 seconds".
.Exist       – means "check if exist or wait up to globally set timeout - 20 seconds (where 20 sec is a default value mentioned in the File \ Settings…\ Run\ Object synchronization timeout [20] seconds)
And now, no matter the # value, we are waiting up to the general "Object synchronization timeout".
.Exist(30) –  up to 20 seconds.
.Exist(0)   –  up to 20 seconds
.Exist       –  up to 20 seconds

Solution description:
In UFT 14.00 ("only"), the Java (DLL) plugin made UFT to ignore certain types of timeouts (alike .Exist(#), waits not # sec, but the default setting for all the steps. Alike 20 or 0.)
The hot-fix, for that particular (java related) issue, is already available. (When you call HP Service Desk.) And it's working.
Here is "How to" apply that hot fix (and replace the DLL files):
  1. Make sure that HP UFT is closed (including the HP UFT report viewer).
  2. In the location mentioned below, find and rename "JavaPackage.dll" (for example) into "JavaPackage__backup.dll".
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Unified Functional Testing\bin\
  1. Extract (from file) "JavaPackage.dll" file (and copy it into the location, mentioned above).
  2. Restart the HP UFT, with "run as admin".
* The issue is reproducible with all the HP UFT v14.00. (build 1775)
* That hot-fix will be included in the next HP UFT version (probably v14.01).

Enjoy your day ahead,

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