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Browser Independent Scripting in QTP 9.1
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago Question 
I wrote the script in IE 6.0, but I want to run this scripts on IE7. When I run the script in IE 6.0 it is working fine, but when i run the script in IE 7.0 then it is not running properly.
Will the script execution will vary for IE 6.0 and IE 7.0,if yes then how can I resolve this issue?
How we can develope the Browser independent script in QTP 9.1.

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Mishra
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Though scripts created in IE6 are expected to run in IE7 but still it's not fully guaranteed because with every new version the browser vendors like MS, Firefox change/add some functionality which might effect your test.

Anyways it should only effect a small portion of your code.

So you need to tweak your code a little to gain "full browser independence"( suggestion: you can use conditional statements depending on browser.)
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Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thanks for your help Ankur,I will try it and get back to you.
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago

When you try to execute scripts developed in IE 6.0 on IE 7.0 browser,My suggestion would be just uncheck the Tabbing option in IE7.0 Rest all your code should work on the IE browser's Independent of Versions.

With my experience i have developed scripts on IE 6.0 and executed on IE 7.0 by unchecking the Tabbing option in IE 7.0.

They worked fine.

Please let me know if you have any questions/Suggestions.
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
hi yrsr

can you explain me about the tabbing option.

thanks in advance.
Solved: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
tools-----internet options-------general tab--------setting-------disable or uncheck the check box

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