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Automation Frameworks using QTP
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
I have some theoritrical knowledge of QTP with little practical knowledge of QTP. So, I would be greatful if somebody explain me the process of setting up automation framework within a organisation that is moving to automation testing from manual testing.
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Abhilas rght now2 i am working on Frame work .You can search the blog dor meore details
For your reference i can provide you with some info like

There are 4 types of frame works in QTP

1. Linear frame work
2. Modular frame work
3. Keyword driven frame work
4. Hybrid frame work

1. Linear framework
This is normal process like recording or scripting the program and executing it. This is not reusable, once executing this script.
2. Modular framework
This is different from liner frame work, here recording or scripting the program and those script split into actions and make those actions as reusable actions. These reusable actions can use any where in the test.
3. Keyword driven automation framework: QTP supports to keyword driven automation framework.

It's an application independent Automation Framework
This Framework will have following components:

1) Data tables /Excel Sheets containing Keywords, Object Names and Object Values. This is the only component which is application dependent. Keywords are the words that we used to represent the test case.

For example VerifyEditbox. This can be used to represent the test case: Verify whether the Edit box is accepting the entered text.

2) Test Driver. This contains the scripts to drive the test. Usually it will contain the code for taking keywords one by one from the data table and call respective subroutines for each keyword using the Switch case statement.

3) Common Function Library. This contains all the common functions that are needed to test any application.


In keyword driven automation framework first we are going to create a folder on that project name, then create six subfolders within that folder like repository, library files, recovery file, test data, main test, test log file.

Repository folder :Used to save the objects of the application. First learn all the objects by using object repository and then export all the objects to repository folder by giving .tsar extension (test shared repository).
This file associate to repository manager, navigation is object repository ----à associate repository
Then click + tab and browse the file from repository folder

Library file folder: Used to save functions, which is created by the user. Suppose take one login window and create a function, first open notepad and create function as per your requirement
Public function login ( )
Dialog (“login”).activate
dialog (“login”).wined it (“agent name”).set”baba”
dialog (“login”).winedit (“password”).set secure”xxxxxxxx”
dialog (“login”).winbutton(“ok”).click
end function ( )

Then save with .vbs extension in to the library file folder.
After that associate this function to http library files. The navigation is
Test setting----->resources then click + tab and browse the function. In this manner create no of functions as per required and associate all the functions to qtp.suppose some

insert order ( ), logout ( ), update order( ).

Recovery file folder:Used to save recovery scenarios which are created by the user. Create recovery scenarios and save those recovery scenarios with .qrs extension with recovery file folder. After that associate those recovery scenarios to qtp.navigation is test setting---àrecovery then click +tab and browse the file.

test data folder :Used to save input data. Suppose through flat file method, open the notepad and give input data and save with .txt extension in test data folder.

Hybrid frame work is the combination of all the 3 frames works (Linear, Modular and Keyword driven frameworks)

Testing Framework: Testing framework is a set of assumptions, concepts and practice that provide support for testing. Testing Framework is something like a frame work designed according to our requirement. For example. You want to test one application for UI, FUNCTIONAL and LOCALIZATION. For this requirement you can have your own frame work...

1) For UI testing: identify what to test assume that font, size, color...
2) Functional: whether the button is working properly example login.
3) Test for diff languages at a time.

Data Driven Framework

It's an application specific Automation Framework. These scripts can be recorded or written manually and modify it by replacing input values with variables. Input values can be written in Data table / Excel sheet. Test Driver in this case contains the scripts to drive the application with external data written in Data tables / Excel Sheet.
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
I am planning to write frame work that suits to common for all projects related to utomation .will tell you in more detailed

In the later post
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thank you, Siri. I will eagerly wait for your next post.
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hello everyone,
I implemented a key word driven test using the vb script below
select case a
case "1" = login()
case "2" = bookaflight()
end select
in excel I created a column with name key and entered 1 and 2 into first two respectively.
I loaded the functions into resources. I got the desired results.
I want someone to explain me if this only way to implement a keyword driven test or there is a better way to achieve this.
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thanks in advance Siri, I will be waiting for your post...
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thanks in advance Siri, I will be waiting for your post...

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