This is Part7 of QTP and DotNetFactory series by Saket. Refer Part1, Part2,Part3, Part4, Part5, Part6

QTP DotNetFactory Part7

Arraylist contains a list of values, we can add, insert, and remove very easily. We can add values without any size information which makes it a flexible data structure.

To work with this we just need to create an instance of ‘System.Collections.ArrayList’ using CreateInstance method.

Set MyList = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.ArrayList")

Here are some of the functions which can be used to work with ArrayLists

Add – adds an item in an arraylist


Remove – removes an item from the arraylist

MyList.Remove("ListItem ")

RemoveAt – removes an item from the specified position in the arraylist


Insert – Inserts an item at a specified position in the arraylist


Sort – Sorts items in the arraylist


Let us now use these functions in QTP script. Consider a case where you need to sort a list in ascending or descending order.

First create the arraylist and add your list items in the arraylist. We will add five items in the list in random order.

  1. Set MyList = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.ArrayList")
  2. MyList.Add("ListItem5")
  3. MyList.Add("ListItem3")
  4. MyList.Add("ListItem2")
  5. MyList.Add("ListItem1")
  6. MyList.Add("ListItem4")

When you add a new item in the arraylist, it adds some empty memory locations, we should remove these empty memory locations. To do this we can use ‘TrimToSize’ method, which sets the capacity to the actual number of elements in the arraylist. You can easily understand this with the example below.

Example 26

  1. Set MyList = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.ArrayList")
  2. MyList.Add("ListItem5")
  3. MyList.Add("ListItem3")
  4. MyList.Add("ListItem2")
  5. MyList.Add("ListItem1")
  6. MyList.Add("ListItem4")
  8. Print "Before Trim"
  9. Print "ArrayList Capacity: " & MyList.Capacity
  10. Print "ArrayList Count: " & MyList.Count
  11. MyList.TrimToSize
  12. Print "After Trim"
  13. Print "ArrayList Capacity: " & MyList.Capacity
  14. Print "ArrayList Count: " & MyList.Count
  15. Print "View ArrayList Items"
  17. For nCnt = 0 To MyList.Count 1
  18. Print MyList.Item(CInt(nCnt) )
  19. Next
  21. Set MyList = nothing

The properties ‘Capacity’ is used to get the number of elements that the arraylist can contain and ‘Count’ to get the total number of elements actually contained in the arraylist. Using a for loop you can easily go through the list items in the arraylist. Executing the above code outputs as –


You can sort the arraylist using ‘Sort’ method, which returns the list in ascending Sort. For descending sort method ‘Reverse’ can be used, but for this you will need to sort the list in ascending order using ‘Sort’ method first.

Putting it all together

Example 27

  1. Set MyList = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.ArrayList")
  2. MyList.Add("ListItem5")
  3. MyList.Add("ListItem3")
  4. MyList.Add("ListItem2")
  5. MyList.Add("ListItem1")
  6. MyList.Add("ListItem4")
  7. MyList.TrimToSize
  9. Print "View ArrayList Items"
  11. For nCnt = 0 To MyList.Count 1
  12. Print MyList.Item(CInt(nCnt) )
  13. Next
  15. MyList.Sort
  17. Print "Sorted List - Asecending"
  19. For nCnt = 0 To MyList.Count 1
  20. Print MyList.Item(CInt(nCnt) )
  21. Next
  23. MyList.Reverse
  25. Print "Sorted List - Descending"
  27. For nCnt = 0 To MyList.Count 1
  28. Print MyList.Item(CInt(nCnt) )
  29. Next
  31. Set MyList = nothing

Returns –

Sorting List in DotNetFactory

You can search an item using ‘IndexOf’ and ‘BinarySearch’ method. These methods returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a value in the arraylist. To use BinarySearch you will need the items to be sorted in ascending order in arraylist.

Example 28

  1. Set MyList = DotnetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.ArrayList")
  2. MyList.Add("ListItem5")
  3. MyList.Add("ListItem3")
  4. MyList.Add("ListItem2")
  5. MyList.Add("ListItem1")
  6. MyList.Add("ListItem4")
  7. MyList.TrimToSize
  9. Print "View ArrayList Items"
  10. For nCnt = 0 To MyList.Count 1
  11. Print MyList.Item(CInt(nCnt) )
  12. Next
  14. Print "Indexof- ListItem4 item found at: " & MyList.IndexOf("ListItem4")
  16. MyList.Sort
  18. For nCnt = 0 To MyList.Count 1
  19. Print MyList.Item(CInt(nCnt) )
  20. Next
  22. Print "BinarySearch- ListItem2 item found at: " & MyList.BinarySearch("ListItem2")
  23. Set MyList = nothing

This will give you output as

Binary Search Final Output

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