Important Update March 2025: As of March 2025, Exam code UFT120-15.x CP is the latest exam offered by Micro Focus and all the previous exams are inactive now. Check this link on Micro Focus UFT 12.5 Certification: UFT120-12.5-ASP for more details.

As some of you may know since August 1st, 2010 HP has stopped offering QTP certification for v9.2 and have instead started certification for QTP v10.0. Here are the details QTP Certification Details in case you wish to get registered and certified in HP QuickTest Professional.

There are two levels for HP QTP/QC certification – AIS and ASE. AIS is a beginners level certification exam while ASE is an advanced level certification exam.  You can take ASE only when you have successfully qualified the first level ie AIS. For the purpose of this article we will discuss the steps to take AIS certification.

QTP AIS certification exam comes under the broad heading of  AIS – HP Quality Center v10. To pass this exam you must complete 2 core requirements exams Exam HP0-M31: HP Quality Center 10.0 Software and Exam HP0-M39: HP QuickTest Professional 10.0 Software You can take these exams in same or different sittings as per your convenience and availability of slot at the examination center.

What to expect in HP0-M31: HP Quality Center 10.0 exam?

  • Number of items: 60
  • Item types: Multiple choice (single-response), Multiple Choice (multiple response), and Drag and Drop
  • Exam Time: 90 minutes
  • Passing Score: 73 percent

What to expect in HP0-M39: HP QuickTest Professional 10.0 exam?

  • Number of items: 66
  • Item types: Multiple choice (single-response), Multiple Choice (multiple response), Drag and Drop, and Point and Click.
  • Exam Time: 90 minutes
  • Passing Score: 74 percent

Source – HP certification data sheet for AIS QC v10

How to get started with QTP certification?

Sign in to HP’s certification portal here (You would need HP passport to login) In case you are new to HP partner portal, you can get yourself registered using one of the links mentioned here as per your geographic location. (Within 48 hrs of registering you should be able to access HP partner portal.)

Once you are in, just follow the step-by-step procedure as mentioned on the website to enroll for QTP/QC exam registration. You can also download various attachments/syllabus/registration guide for QTP/QC certification from inside the HP partner portal. Cost for QTP certification exam is $150 USD.

How to prepare for QTP v10 certification? Is there any help available?

QTP Certification Mock Papers HP recommends (though not mandatory) 3 months of hands-on experience on each of the tools before you take the exam. To prepare for QTP and QC certification, you can take help of QTP Cert and QC Cert mock papers. These papers are developed by experts of QTP in collaboration with

QTP cert is a set of 277 questions while QC cert contains 160 questions. QTP Cert and QC Cert will not only help you ace QTP and QC certification exams but will also help you get a firm grasp over QTP/QC concepts. We have invested a lot of time and energy to come up with these questions and have tried to incorporate almost all major concepts of QTP and QC inside these papers.  Check more details here.