Go Step by step.
– Import the Excel sheet.
– Get the WorkSheet : usually the name would be sheet1
– Once you have the sheet, you can get the row and cololumn count
– Iterate thru the rows and use the function “getcelldata(row,col)”
you could just create it using Excel object
set objexcel = description.create(excel.application)
and so on.
hello sir..
i m not able to fetch the value of username nd pasword frm outside table still i m using import or export…..
Hi Sachin,
Go Step by step.
– Import the Excel sheet.
– Get the WorkSheet : usually the name would be sheet1
– Once you have the sheet, you can get the row and cololumn count
– Iterate thru the rows and use the function “getcelldata(row,col)”
you could just create it using Excel object
set objexcel = description.create(excel.application)
and so on.
Hi Ankur,
In how many ways we can an excel file in any frame work?
Hello Ankur,
Could you please share folder structure of framework.
hello sir,
hw we work with active screen…..
hello sir..
i m not able to fetch the value of username nd pasword frm outside table still i m using import or export…..