UFT(QTP) Support Matrix

This page contains a regularly updated matrix containing details of  QTP/UFT version support with various versions of technologies supported by it.

You need Micro Focus account to download the patches.

QTP/UFT vs Adobe Flex Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs MS Virtual PC Matrix

QTP/UFT vs VM Ware Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Citrix Meta Frame Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Oracle EBS Support Matrix<>

QTP/UFT vs Oracle Forms Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs VB Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs SilverLight Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Java JDK Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs JAVA WebStart Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs IBM JDK Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Eclipse Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs SWT Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Dojo Toolkit Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs QC/ALM Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs BPT Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs HP LoadRunner Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Delphi Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs SAP GUI Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Siebel Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs WindowsPresentation Form Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Winrunner Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Microsoft .NET Framework Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Business Process Monitor Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs HP Service Test Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Visual Age Small Talk Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Powerbuilder Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs People Soft Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Web2.0 Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs MS Visual Studio Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Java Packages Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs ActiveX Controls Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Logging Framework Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Stingray Objective Grid / Objective Toolkit Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs HP Sprinter Support Matrix

QTP/UFT vs Qt Support Matrix

Also check, Windows Support Matrix and Browser Support Matrix


  1. Does UFT support Nexj Stsyem based web applications?
    Popup windows are not able to recognise in initial trial…

  2. Hi,

    Does UFT support Progress – OpenEdge (Version 11.6/11.7) technology ?

  3. Hi Ankur,

    Oracle list (R12.2.4) is not recognized by UFT (V. 14.0). I would like to select a function from the list. Error I am receiving is cannot identify the object “Function List” (of class OracleList)’. Here are the object properties. Please help!

    "Class Name:=OracleList",
    "class description:=list box",
    "class path:=oracle\.forms\.ui\.VTList;oracle\.ewt\.lwAWT\.LWList;oracle\.ewt\.lwAWT\.LWDataSourceList;oracle\.ewt\.lwAWT\.LWContainer;oracle\.ewt\.lwAWT\.LWComponent;java\.awt\.Container;java\.awt\.Component;java\.lang\.Object;",
    "description:=Function List",
    "developer name:=",
    "selected index:=13",
    "selected item:=WF Notifications",


    • @Madhoo: What are the unique properties here?

  4. Hi Ankur,
    I want to automate a AutoCAD application.It will be a desktop application and I want to upload the results in Cloud Server.Is this possible with UFT 11.5 onwards version.If yes,Can u please guide me.What are the challenges that I have to kept in mind?Could you please share a sample code for it if possible so that can implement as per my requirement.

  5. Hi,

    Does UFT 12.f support MFC objects?

    • @Vishal: It does. Check PAM guide.

  6. is there any support for PowerBuilder 12.6
    UFT12.01 is not recognizing the objects.

  7. I tried to identify the object in UFT 11.5 but object spy not picking up my application object. Can you help me on this.

  8. Thank you for the UFT Support Martix.
    Does UFT support Tableau Reporting where we have images? Do we have any Add In for Tableau or just need to use INSIGHT to work on Tableau Images?

    Kindly help me.

  9. I’m a C# programmer using Visual Studio. Is there support in QC or UFT to run DLLs written in C#. I haven’t been able to find an answer anywhere.

    For example if I use Jenkins I can add NUnit to Jenkins and get Jenkins to invoke NUnit commands to execute dlls written in C#.

    • @Nef: Have a look at HP LeanFT (newly introduced tool) which in conjunction with UFT may fulfil your requirements.

      • Please let me know about the below points –

        1. Root cause for crashing of UFT and how can be resolved?
        2. Why is it not identifying few jre supported java applications?
        3. how we can enable logs for the UFT to get the crash details?

  10. Hi,

    Does QTP/UFT support Adobe CQ5(AEM6.0) technology.? Please help and guide me.



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