In case you wish to pay in Indian Rupees(INR), you can use the various Add to Cart buttons below. It will allow you to pay via credit/debits cards and NetBanking. We accept almost all payment solutions available in India. The payments are processed through highly secured CCAvenue payment gateway. Your account will be activated within 48 hrs from the time we receive your payment.** (**Please note that in case you didn’t pass the exam and choose to avail the 60 days money back guarantee on QTP Cert/QC Cert, 10% processing fee will be charged by the payment gateway. This is because of the high processing fee with Indian payment gateways)
QTP Training OnDemand + QTP Cert – Cost in INR: Rs 16,000/-
QTP Training OnDemand. Cost in INR: Rs 12,000/-
QTP Cert and QC Cert – Cost in INR: Rs 7,500/-
QTP Cert Only – Cost in INR: Rs 4,600/-
QC Cert Only – Cost in INR: Rs 4,100/-
