How to install UFT help and VB Script reference on your machine?
Download and Install UFT Help and VB Script reference on your machine locally. It is much faster compared to accessing the UFT help and documentation files online.
Download and Install UFT Help and VB Script reference on your machine locally. It is much faster compared to accessing the UFT help and documentation files online.
Does your UFT version shuts down/hangs abruptly on Win10 / Win 8? Does it show unexpected behavior? Read these awesome tips…
Here is a simple code to retrieve UFT Build Version from your Windows OS registry. Applicable for both 64 bit and 32 bit OS.
A Detailed Guide to capture tool tips from a link, image in QTP (UFT). We also discuss various ways to capture tool tip using XPath and CSS.
Learn All About The Latest UFT License Server Solution, HPE AutoPass. UFT License server installation, troubleshooting, generating license keys and more.
Try these 21 tips when QTP or UFT is unable to identify an object. Load QTP first, BHO Manager, Default Zoom level, UAC and more.