How to install UFT help and VB Script reference on your machine?
Download and Install UFT Help and VB Script reference on your machine locally. It is much faster compared to accessing the UFT help and documentation files online.
Download and Install UFT Help and VB Script reference on your machine locally. It is much faster compared to accessing the UFT help and documentation files online.
[Video] Here are step-by-step instructions on how to manually install UFT agent for Google Chrome browser.
UFT 12 was released on March 18, 2014 and is available for download now. The install process has become easier if you used language packs earlier.
Download and install these important service packs/patches for UFT 11.50. UFT_00001 , UFTRRV_00001 , UFT_00037
UFT One 2023 (earlier QTP) download link. Step by step instructions to download and install trial version of UFT One 2023 on your machine. Also note the prerequisites.
Download and install trial of QTP 11. Step by step instructions to download and install free version of QTP 11 on your machine.