What is: RunAction
Definition of RunAction in QTP (UFT). What is RunAction with syntax available in QTP.
Definition of RunAction in QTP (UFT). What is RunAction with syntax available in QTP.
Definition of Regular Expressions in QTP (UFT). What are Regular Expressions and what are the properties and methods of Regular Expressions available in QTP.
Definition of Recovery Scenarios in QTP (UFT). What are Recovery Scenarios and what are the properties of Recovery Scenarios available in QTP.
Definition of Ordinal Identifiers in QTP (UFT). What are Ordinal Identifiers and sub-type of Ordinal Identifiers available in QTP.
Definition of On Error Resume Next in QTP (UFT). What is On Error Resume Next in QTP with example.
Definition of Object Spy in QTP (UFT). What is Object Spy and what are the components of Object Spy available in QTP.