What is Siebel Test Automation?

Siebel 7.7 introduces a series of new test automation interfaces that optimize the testing platform and eliminate many of the well-known pain points intrinsic to generic test automation technologies. The new Siebel Test Automation (STA) module dramatically reduces the cost of both functional and load/performance testing. This enables customers to — for the first time — truly maximize the value of their automated testing strategies.

Note that the Siebel Test Automation Solution has been built upon the Siebel 7.7 foundation and will only be available starting Siebel 7.7 and beyond.

Web addin disappeared when Siebel is loaded?

If you open UFT with the Siebel Add-in loaded, the Web Add-in does not appear in the Object Identification dialog box.

As a workaround change the value of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\MicTest\Packages\SiebelPackage\Settings\AllowWebToConfig registry key value to 1

What are the points to take care before starting with automation on Siebel 7.7.x app?

* Verify the Siebel Test Automation module is installed and enabled

From the Siebel add-in 8.0 readme file (in the “Supported Environment” section):
“The QuickTest Professional Siebel Add-in supports recording and running tests and components on the following versions of Siebel eBusiness applications:
– Siebel 7.7.x, only when the Siebel Test Automation module is installed and enabled.

There is an entry in a Siebel server side config file that must be set to TRUE. Make sure the correct entry is set:

EnableAutomation = TRUE
EnableWebClientAutomation = TRUE

* Also Make sure the URL for the log-in page of your Siebel server includes the SWECmd=AutoOn token.



If you do not append this token, the Siebel Web Engine (SWE) does not generate test automation information.

If you select the “Open the following application when a record or run session begins” option in the Siebel tab of the “Record and Run Settings” dialog box, QuickTest Professional automatically appends the Siebel Test Automation information to the URL (you do not need to specify it manually in the URL).

How to verify that the Siebel Test Automation module is installed?

Check that the list of running processes in the Windows Task Manager includes a process named SiebelAx_Test_A. This process will appear only after you have logged into the Siebel application.

Does Mercury QTP care what mode the Siebel application is in (HI vs. SI)?

Support for High Interactivity applications is different from support for Standard Interactivity applications. When recording a script against a HI application, the script mostly contains calls into the Siebel-provided test automation API. In contrast, when recording a script against a pure SI application or against a SI component that is embedded within an HI application (e.g. customer dashboard, query assistant, search center), the script mostly contains calls that use Mercury’s native scripting syntax.

Check the up-to-date matrix for the currently supported versions of Siebel by UFT/QTP).