I think if I plot a graph for a question most often asked on QTP Forum, the winner would be, question related to pop up window not being recognized.
This problem in its various flavors is as below (excerpts taken directly from forum):
I am regular visitor of your blog, its helping me a lot in learning QTP.
Thanks for creating such a nice blog.
I recorded a small script on deleting an Employee record.
When I tried to delete, it throughs a message saying “Are you sure to delete this data?”, then I clicked on OK button.
But while running the script its not performing action on OK button, I am getting Run Error as follows:
Run Error Object not visible
Line (140): “Browser(“ABC.com”).Dialog(“Windows Internet Explorer”).WinButton(“OK”).Click”.
I checked that Objects’s physical description is correct.
Can you please help me in correcting this error.
I’m trying to record a Windows Application using QTP. It works all fine till when another Window pops-up where we have to make some selection.
Any changes made on the pop-window are actually recorded, but when trying to run they Fail.
The reason it states is that:
Cannot find the “***” object’s parent “New Activity” (class Window). Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Can anyone please tell me what might be the problem and how can I rectify it??
I even tried to record “low-level”, which would record the clicks, but even that doesn’t seem to recognize the object. But I don’t understand why should low-level recording also bother about object, because I thought all it takes is the X and Y co-ordinates but not the object properties (Somebody correct me if I’m wrong).
I am trying to use QTP on visual basic application it does not recognise the a pop up window whe I have to click on YES please help me
We have .net application in which when we add menu. This menu opens a new popup window. I have tried lot of ways however QTP is unable to identify objects in the second window. Can u pls tell me what shd be done?
and the list of similar questions continue…
The problem here is that the parent object does not have a “visible” property enabled by default which leads to the situation that while running QTP is not able to identify pop-up window. So here are the steps to resolve the problem.
- Identify the parent object class.
- Go to
Tools > Object identification
. - Select Environment.
- Select Test Object Class as identified in 1) above.
- Go to Mandatory Properties.
- Click on Add/Remove.
- Select visible property.
- Record the part of your application again.
- Now UFT/QTP should be able to identify the pop-up window.
Please let me know through the comments below if this solved your problem.
I am working on UFT in Windows 7 platform using VPC. When my VPC screen is minimised, ‘O’ button in the dialog box is not getting clicked. Please help me on this.
Im facing the problem regarding pop up window
When im recording the scrpit the pop up window opens after clicking on webbutton and also records the further steps but when im running the script pop up window is not opening and qtp showing the error that object not found for further steps.
Please Help….
hi Ankur,
we are testing the SAP window based application by uft 12.1, i am facing below issues with UFT
1)while execute UFT getting hanging when specific SAP GUI security window(this window displayed for click allow button to download the docs) displayed once if i click the button “allow” manually then UFT start continue the execution
2)UFT could not able to identify the object to only this window
if i tried to identify the UFT getting hanging
Hi Raja,
We are also faced the issue, having the solution below,
set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
Dialog(“regexpwndtitle:=Save As”,”nativeclass:=#32770″).WinEdit(“attached text:=File &name:”,”nativeclass:=Edit”).Type sFPname
Dialog(“regexpwndtitle:=Save As”,”nativeclass:=#32770″).WinButton(“text:=&Save”,”nativeclass:=Button”).Click
Instead of clicking the continue button in the spreadsheet window, we tried the Enter Key press.
And, for the save as window created descriptive program(We tried to identify the objects by creating sample test with activeX add-in).
I have this problem but it cannot be solved with a simple click of OK or Cancel. I’m trying to save XPS files and when I get to the Save As dialog box, UFT completely freezes. Even when I’m not running any scripts and I try to use the Object Spy with the Save As dialog box open, all of UFT freezes until I press Cancel. My coworker has tried the object spy and it works but 5 minutes later it freezes for him too. Any solutions? It worked before when I was using the Object Repository instead of Descriptive Programming.
Hi Ankur,
Im new with Terminal emulators and Im lost by trying to catch a time object, Do you know how to catch an object that is visible just for 1 second, I can not use the add object option since the application TE needs the sendkey Enter to get the message, and using the Ctrl to send Enter and then click on the time message to get the object does not work, Any idea?? .
@Jesus: Can you please come over to QTP forums with a detailed query including screenshots)
Hi Ankur
I have a popup window appearing as below. the class of popup is “window”, parent is “Browser”
The above statement not working during runtime and QTP gets hanged i.e until some action is performed on the popup window the control is not returned to QTP, but the popup window and objects are recognized properly for test objects repository.
Please do the needfull.
I don’t have visible property in mandatory properties. Could you please suggest how can I get visible property field?
QTP – using Flex.
This is the line of recorded code that I am having a problem with – .FlexPanel(“Import”).FlexButton(“Next”).Click
The object is recognized by QTP and is in the Object repository. But, when I run the script, the QTP just goes over the line, and starts to execute the next line without doing the click. No error here.
The parent – flex panel – seems to be visible, as the radio buttons are recognized and can be manipulated successfully when run.
Any ideas how to fix this?
I tried everything mentioned in this blog – does not work.
i have to handle a window pop up,now my problem is: everthing works correctly on MY machine.. now when my workmate is trying to run my test on HER machine, the step with the second browsers actuates a warning (object not found).. what happens here? the objects are stored in a shared repository!
Hello friends,
im Raj…
When i record a test in QTP9.2,it records and the scripts are generated but while running the test i get this error
“Cannot find the “All Programs” object’s parent “Start menu” (class Window). Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application.”
What can i do????
Could somebody help me???
With Thanks & Regards,
My QTP is creating a problem, when i run even one line of code the test is keep on running and it’s not stopping even if i click on stop. I uninstalled(deleted in Registry as well) it and installed it but still i face the same problems.
Any one please help out waiting for a dam good solution…..
please provide me the script to find whether popup is in middle of the window or not
Ankur, everyone else who has left a descriptive comment,
thank you so much for the hint!
Best regards and greetings from Germany,
I am using qtp 10.0 when i record actions i dont any errors but in expert view i just get only —Window(“Windows Internet Explorer”).Close
The above steps alone gets recorded can any one help me to resolve this issue..
Hi Ankur,
I am facing a problem… We created and executed a script on one of the machines where object identification was in form of Web components like Browser(“Browser”).Page(“”) etc
but the same script was executed on other machine and it didnt run there cause the objects were now identified with Windows base like Browser became Windows Internet Explorer…Can you please explain the reason and is there any resolution to this other than using DP.
thanks a tonne
this stepwise solution has helped me get rid of the error “Object not visible”. My toolbar object’s visibility was not added in mandatory properties.
thanks again
Please note that…my problem is not that QTP is not identifying the Dialog.
My problem is that, when recorded the pop up window shows up and it DOESNT showup when i execute the script. Meaning, I don’t see the FileDownload popup windows when I run the test
I recorded a script which does the following:
1. Click on a link called www, this will pop up a Dialog which asks for where to download the file ?
2. I click Cancel
Problem is, when I recorded it pops up the file download Dialog. But when I run the script it does NOT pop instead, I get the above error
on line number 2. (Please see the code below)
Line1: Browser(“SHSHS”).Page(“SSJFHJ”).Link(“www”).click
Line2: Dialog(“ABCD”).Dialog(“FILESEC”).WinButton(“Cancel”).Click
Cannot find the “Cancel” objects parent “ABC” (class Dialog). Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application
At first this didn’t work for me but after using Tools>object identification and setting BOTH the Dialog class AND the WinButton Class to have Mandatory property “visible” then deleted and re-captured the object in the repository, it started working! many thanks to you all!
Agree with response by Anonymous (7:13 PM, June 10, 2008 )
Running QTP test on Dual monitor gives issue with Recover Scenario and performing actions on Pop-up window objects.
– Solution: Move AUT to first Monitor where QTP is running and run test again.
Fixed issue with Not firing Recovery Scenario and also click/Activate on Pop-up windows objects.
Thanks Man…it worked
My Scenario is:
I logged in web application, click on one document link and Saved it in a folder. following lines is generated by qtp.
‘Dialog(“0% of logsdelete_older.txt”).Dialog(“Save As”).WinButton(“Save”).Click
Now I want to download 1000 docs.
(“0% of logsdelete_older.txt”) is differet for all the doc. How I can download the 1000 with this script.
plz suggest.
Thanks in Advance,
DUAL MONITOR. This problem was driving me crazy. I have dual monitors with QTP in one and my browser in the other. QTP can’t see the popup. After reading a comment above I moved browser to the same window as QTP. Worked just fine.
Even I was facing the same problem due to dual screen.
Thanks for the help guys.
My problem is also slightly different.
The scripts run under QTP 9.5
At numerous points user actions bring up a “Windows Internet Explorer” popup.
If I use the repository, this block runs as it should:
WHILE NOT Browser(“B”).Dialog(“Windows Internet Explorer”).Exist
Browser(“B”).Dialog(“Windows Internet Explorer”).WinButton(“OK”).Click
I want to put this in an external library so I can reuse the code instead of yet another cut-n-paste. I make a practice of using DP in my external libraries so I do not have to add object to the repository to run a function.
This code does not run. The WHILE loop runs forever:
WHILE NOT Browser(“title:=B”).Dialog(“title:=Windows Internet Explorer”).Exist
Browser(“title:=B”).Dialog(“text:=Windows Internet Explorer”).WinButton(“text:=OK”).Click
The problem seem to be the Windows popup as this runs forever as well:
WHILE NOT Browser(“B”).Dialog(“title:=Windows Internet Explorer”).Exist
Browser(“title:=B”).Dialog(“text:=Windows Internet Explorer”).WinButton(“text:=OK”).Click
You have to get version for IE and then based on that use if…else condition, will work on both
I am having similar Problem while identifying Pop ups…..In IE7 the Browser is identified with text as Windows Internet Explorer Like
Browser(varBrowser).Dialog(“text:=Windows Internet Explorer*”).Static(“window id:=65535”).GetVisibleText ()
,While In IE its Microsoft Explorer ….how can I use the same code for both Browser ……..please help………
None of these solutions worked for me. I solved the problem however, it’s due to dual screens as posted. You just need to make sure that you have the Aplication under test on your primary monitor i.e. monitor 1 in your screen settings.
The issue :
SiebApplication(“Call Center “).SiebScreen(“Orders”).SiebView(“Order Items”).SiebApplet(“Sales Order”).SiebButton(“Delete Order”).Click
QTP starts to click on this button, immediately an IE security pop-up appears (requesting confirmation- Click Ok to confirm) which freezes QTP’s replay and prevents QTP from realizing it has completed the ‘SiebButton(“Delete Order”).Click’ step.
Eventually this step timesout and QTP can proceed.
This is possibly due to customization behind the Siebel button or some security in IE.
Tried to handle the pop-up with a recovery scenario but it did not trigger.
Also tried to have QTP ignore the error for the incorrectly failed ‘SiebButton(“Delete Order”).Click’ line but the timeout is too long to make this practical for the multiple popups for the application.
I am using QTP 9.5 Siebel Add-in and Web Add-in.
How to change from the dual monitors to single monitor?
Thanks for the solution Guru Charan. The problem was because of dual monitors, ur solution did fix the issue.
Hi Ankur,
I think i found one simple solution for this problem..
Just add one move command then it will work..
Now it will work perfectly.
Guru Charan
I insert 2 queries thru database checkpoint and i got a result as pass. Now I want view the 2 query statement inserted in the database
How do i View?
@ Anon: Thanks for the update.
Thanks for your guidance.
People should also run on a single monitor, rather than dual monitors for this issue. Changing the property to “visible” only worked once I went to running on a single monitor. Dual monitors still couldn’t find the popup.
I hope this helps someone else.
I tried doing the 9 steps above and I’m still having problems. The Dialog Box and WinButton “visible” properties are both true, but I’m still getting the “object not visible” at runtime. Is there any other configuration I should check. I’m using .exist(0) to see if they exist and they do. But activate or click give me the error message.
While inserting Checkpoint/Synchronization point, the hand marker not identifing the flight reservation window. How to solve this probs
I have an issue similar to above post to click on “ok” button in Dialog box popup window.I did try adding Visible property in Object Identication.No luck…Can somebody please answer??
Cannot find the “Run” object’s parent “Intel Larrabee SDK Sample” (class Dialog). Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
How do i proceed.
I have tried setting the properties